6 Top Places to Obtain Information on Medicare Supplement Plans

Last Updated on March 26, 2019

older adults looking for Information on Medicare Supplement Plans

Medicare supplement plan (also called a Medigap plan) is one of the options you will encounter once you enter Medicare. Get a good understanding of this option to ensure that you’ll have the best coverage for your needs.

Millions of people who just turned 65 are in the same direction as you – finding the right supplement plan for Medicare. Just like them, I understand if you want to gather all sort of details first before you make your final decision.

Right information.




Obtaining the correct and comprehensive information on Medicare supplement plans is part of your hunt. If information on the internet overwhelms you, you can check these places to get true and correct Medigap information.

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Where can I get Medicare supplement plan information?

In these places, you can be sure that you’ll acquire the right Medicare supplement plan information and proper guidance.


Medicare.gov is a federal government website managed and paid for by the U.S. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.

There is nothing more correct and secured than obtaining the information right from the government website that governs Medicare supplement plans. It is only natural that information and details about this additional health insurance are found on Medicare’s official website.


Freemedsuppquotes.com is a non-government website privately owned by United insurance group (UIG). It caters information specific only to Medicare supplement plans. The site is great if you don’t want a resource mixed with other topics.

FreeMedSuppQuotes doesn’t only provide you with easy to digest Medicare supplement information. Our site also gives away downloadable e-books and infographic that you can take with you anywhere, even if you are offline.

The best thing about the website is that you can request quotes from multiple carriers for free!  Also, when you request for quotes, a Medicare supplement broker may contact you. He will discuss Medigap plans and help you compare policies from different insurance carriers. Everything under no obligation and free of charge. What a great way to ease your search for the right Medigap plan.

State Insurance Department

State Insurance Departments can provide information about Medicare Supplement Insurance (Medigap) policies. They also provide information on other private health insurance specific to your state and your circumstances.

You can visit your State insurance department page by clicking the name of your state below:

Alabama Indiana Nebraska South Carolina
Alaska Iowa Nevada South Dakota
Arizona Kansas New Hampshire Tennessee
Arkansas Kentucky New Jersey Texas
California Louisiana New Mexico Utah
Colorado Maine New York Vermont
Connecticut Maryland North Carolina Virginia
Delaware Massachusetts North Dakota Washington
Florida Michigan Ohio Washington D.C.
Georgia Minnesota Oklahoma West Virginia
Hawaii Mississippi Oregon New Wisconsin New
Idaho New Missouri Pennsylvania Wyoming New
Illinois New Montana Rhode Island

Medigap insurance companies

Medigap insurance companies are insurance companies that sell Medigap policies. Yes, you can also obtain information and even quotes from them. The only risk when you obtain information from a specific insurance company is that you may fall into their hands without shopping for policies from other carriers any further.

Medigap brokers

Medicare supplement brokers are people affiliated with multiple insurance companies.  Medigap insurance broker represents the insurance customer and helps him find the perfect plan and insurance provider.

Medigap brokers, will assist you to understand what Medicare supplement plan is and help you compare the different types. Since they are connected with multiple insurance companies, they can also provide you with quotes from a variety of carriers.


CMS.gov or Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services is part of the Department of Health and Human Services. It is a federal government owned website that also provide information about recent Medicare supplement plan updates and changes.

Obtaining information on Medicare supplement plans should be done at the right resource. Having the right knowledge is important in finding the right plan. So, if you still find yourself overwhelmed and in the middle of confusion, contact us! Just send us a quote request and one of our experts will reach you.

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